What a delightful family to work with! We thoroughly enjoyed connecting with Samantha & Randy again and were so impressed with their daughter Isabel.
What an amazing backyard!
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We were so excited to meet Yanni - Georgina and Jimmy's new addition. They are so in love and for good reason.
Quiet time with granny.
What a proud Dad!
It was so nice to reconnect with wedding clients Sarah & Sean (2007) and to meet their 10 day old little miracle Frankie.
When our good friends Charlene and Jeff expressed an interest in having me photograph the birth of their second child, I was very excited about the opportunity. While I don't think any words I can come up with could ever come close to describing what is nothing short of a miracle - I hope these images do it justice.
A special thank-you to Charlene for giving me this opportunity - you have a big heart and a strong will - Gates is very lucky to have you for a mom and Jeff for a Dad!
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It was such a pleasure to re-connect with wedding clients Amy & Daniel today. We were especially looking forward to meeting their daughter Nev and she did not disappoint! She was happy and bright the whole session - what a beautiful baby!!
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It was such a pleasure to meet Leo's new little sister Rose. She is just adorable!
What a gorgeous little muffin! We photographed her proud parents wedding in 2008. While it was wonderful to see Emily and Peter again, the best part of the session was getting to hold Charlotte for a while as her parents had some lunch.
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Sophia was very helpful tonight helping me test a new flash. Luckily it recycles really quick because she doesn't sit still for long :)
At 7 weeks old, Bryson was quite the subject! Here he is, hamming it up for the camera with Mum and Dad :)
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Testing a new camera always brings a wave of fresh images. Here is one of Sophia and her 'kitty', Wesley - the best natured cat in the world!
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