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9.22.14   |   View More: News

5 quick tips to better pictures

Whether you're using a smart phone or the latest DSLR, the following 5 tips will help you take pictures with more impact. All the images in this blog post were shot with an iPhone.  
1. Keep it Simple  
In life and photography, keeping it simple is usually best. If you can position yourself so that there are fewer distractions in the shot, the more impact it will have. Can you move to eliminate distracting elements like exit signs, bright lights or clutter?
2. Get Low  
A cool perspective that we rarely get to see - put your phone/camera right at ground level and angle it up and see what you can see.
3. Shoot multiple angles  
Shoot the same scene from 3 different angles. This can get you thinking creatively and make for more interesting compositions.
4. Take multiple shots  
When you're photographing people - more images are better - take at least 5! Use burst mode to ensure you get good expressions. The image below was the last of 6 - some had eyes closed and others were a little blurry but this one was just right :)
5. Turn on the grid on your camera's display and use the rule of thirds.  
Get your main subject off centre. You'll notice that all the preceding pictures follow this rule. That's it for now - have fun and happy shooting!

4.5.12   |   View More: News

Win a Gym Membership!

CrossFit Exertion in Bedford have generously donated a 1-month membership for us to give away. 
Kate and I have been members here for almost a year and we can't say enough about that experience. Everyone is so friendly and supportive - the trainers and members.  
Some people that look into CrossFit may be a bit intimidated at first but you you don't have to be in shape to start - we weren't when we got started a year ago :) Every movement can be scaled and adjusted depending on your abilities and the trainers are careful to ensure you progress at a safe pace.  
We'll pick a winner randomly on May 8th and announce it in our May newsletter on May 9th.  
Check out their Facebook Page to get a better idea of the kind of fun we've been having :) 
How do you enter? Just leave a comment below. You can talk about activities you like to do, ask a question or just say "hi".

1.12.12   |   View More: Weddings, News

Promo Video

We believe it's important that there is a connection between a photographer and the people that allow them to document their lives. A video that offered some insight into who Kate and I are as photographers, as a couple and as parents seemed to be a good way to potentially start to form that connection.  
This video would not have been possible without Jason Lefrense. We've known Jason for a few years but our first opportunity to work with together came this past June where he was producing a video for wedding clients we were photographing. It was like he wasn't there - he's professional and so creative and yet he's able to capture everything without impacting the flow of the day.  
Jason is passionate about what he does, really cares about his clients and the work he does for them and I'm just proud to call him our friend. I could keep going on and on but you just need to have a look at his work - some of the best wedding videos you'll see anywhere - Check out Jason's Website 
We would also like to thank Danette and Dylan and Charlene & Jeff for letting us document their shoots. To Coleen & Scott for your amazing talents. Jason's beautiful wife Bernadette for sharing Jason with us. To our families for all your support and especially Sophia for your patience with Mum and Dad. And for all our clients whose images appear in the video - couldn't have done it with out you! 
We hope you like it.  

Posted by Alex - 8.26.11   |   View More: News


It's been a while since we posted on the's been a busy summer! Kate and I have enjoyed meeting so many new clients and connecting with people we've worked with before. Be sure and visit out our Facebook Page - there are lots of new images to check out. Please stay tuned - there are a number of exciting things we are working on - details soon! 
Speaking of re-connecting with clients - we had the pleasure of dropping in on Georgina and Jimmy recently - they are very excited for obvious reasons :)
5.30.11   |   View More: News


From a recent grad session - we did some casual looks in additional to the traditional gown images. Congrats to Avalon on the receipt of your Bachelor of Commerce degree last week!
4.11.11   |   View More: News


We are starting to build momentum with our portrait project...  
Here is my good friend of more than 20 years, Alex. I love that I can talk with Alex about anything - from the crude to the very personal - I can't actually think of a topic that would be off limits :) We've gone from calling him "Dr. Alex" (he's a veterinarian) to "uncle Alex" when Sophia came along.

Posted by Alex - 4.2.11   |   View More: News

Personal Portrait Project

I've been planning this project for some time now but it took a visit from Kate's cousin Claire to really get things started. Claire lives in Australia and unfortunately we don't get to see her very often so her visit with us over the past week seemed like a perfect opportunity. We explained what we were up to and she enthusiastically agreed to be our first subject.  
"A man is known by the company he keeps."  
Over the next 6 months, I plan to take portraits of friends and family. These images will be a bit more simple, reflective and contemplative than I usually do. At the end I will design a coffee table book with a short bio for each of our subjects. This will be something to be enjoyed now and my hope is that it will become a treasure for my daughter Sophia someday.  
For more portraits from our session with Claire visit our Facebook Page.

2.23.11   |   View More: News

Newsletter Sign-up

Sign up for our newsletter - our newest way to share whats going on at Alex MacAulay Photographers.  
We'll feature some of our favourite family and wedding sessions, suggest ways to take better pictures & bring you special offers available only to newsletter subscribers. 
Sign up today!

2.21.11   |   View More: News

Love that Hare

From a recent ski trip - our good friends (and wedding clients) Alex & Andrea Hare with their take on the Wear It Proud campaign.

1.5.11   |   View More: News

Happy 2011 !

The importance of family and friends seemed to resonate this holiday season more than ever. With this in mind may you enjoy health and happiness in 2011 and have lots of time for those you love.  
We are looking forward to meeting lots of new couples and families this year and re-connecting with wonderful past clients we've had the privilege of working with. 
To kick-off the new year, here are some recent mages of our favourite subject - our daughter Sophia.
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