Siobhan - This picture quintessentially captures what is captivating about your photography - that you capture the honest truth of the moments of our lives and relationships. We come back time and time again to be reminded of those truths.  7.17.09, 8:25am

Alex - Thanks for commenting Sindy. I made the connection that your picture is right below after I posted this. You are so positive and full of life - I'm so glad that we've been able to connect.  7.4.09, 8:04am

Sindy - This photo moves me to tears and leaves me near speechless, as I am featured below in my e-session, almost five years after my breast cancer diagnosis. "Today" truly is the most important of days.  7.3.09, 7:05pm

Alex - Thanks Stephanie, as photographers, it's good to be reminded of the importance of what we do for our clients.  7.1.09, 1:39pm

Stephanie - This is wonderful and a great inspiration to the importantance of capturing memories! Thanks for sharing!  7.1.09, 1:09pm

Alex - Thanks Meg. It's very moving once you start to read the stories that go with the images the Photosensitive site.  7.1.09, 12:47pm

Meg Winter - Love this and thanks for the site!  7.1.09, 12:42pm